TO: Pres. Kamala D. Harris
CC: All Members of Congress
All Supreme Court Justices
Secretaries of DOL, DHS, DOJ and State Dept.
RE: The Border
When you said, “Do not come; do not come,” in Guatemala in 2021, you might as well have said, “Winds, do not blow; rains, do not rain.” Human migration is an unstoppable force. Just ask the (former) East Germans who, with a wall and machine guns, tried to keep their people from fleeing to the West. Just ask Janet Napolitano, former Governor of Arizona and DHS Secretary, who said, “You show me a 50-foot wall, and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder.”
We can’t stop the wind, but we can and do build wind farms to generate electricity.
We can’t stop the rain, but we can and do build cisterns to water our gardens.
We can’t stop migration, but we can let migrants work here legally, filling our tax coffers and Social Security Trust Fund, and preventing India and China from eating our economic lunch.
I understand that to get elected, you have to (or think you have to) tack to the right on immigration. That may or may not be true, in the short run.
In the long run, however, we need more immigrants, especially young immigrants, to keep our economy humming as we face the demographic fact of a rapidly aging population.
Reforming the Immigration and Nationality Act (which, by the way, is not “broken”) is no small task. It has defeated the efforts of Congress since 1986, when President Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act…the last positive move on immigration to date.
We need more visas, and more work permits, and we need them now. Organizations such as, the National Immigration Forum, and countless other groups and individuals stand ready with ideas, plans and even draft texts of statutes and regulations “ready to wear.” Let us help you make America richer, stronger, safer and freer.
America is empty. We need more immigrants. Fly over any part of the USA and take a look.
The U.S. population is over 330 million people, and each year we allow only 1 million to legally immigrate, of which 42% are spouses, parents and minor children of U.S. citizens. Consider a ballroom of 330 people and once during that evening, one new person enters. That's all we allow. It is woefully inadequate for the size of country we are. Most people are complaining about the overall number of immigrants coming illegally not understanding that we simply don't allow legal immigration at sufficient numbers. It is like having a 5 mph speed limit on the interstate.